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Memmert GmbH + Co. KG

369 Follower

201-500 Mitarbeitende

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Memmert GmbH + Co. KG
Memmert GmbH + Co. KGhat einen Beitrag geschrieben26. Januar
It is with a heavy heart that we bid farewell to our former leader, who lived a life full of wonder and accomplishments. After the passing of Willi Memmert, he and his wife Grete Memmert-Riefler led Memmert with great devotion and dedication. Together they took the company to unprecedented levels of success. Peter Riefler’s vision and ceaseless efforts to establish a myriad of international sales channels still constitute the driving force behind Memmert’s international business dealings today. ...
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Memmert GmbH + Co. KG
Memmert GmbH + Co. KGhat einen Beitrag geschrieben26. Januar
Dear Business Partners, Customers, Employees, and Followers, Happy New Year 2024! 🎉 We hope you had a rejuvenating holiday season surrounded by loved ones. As we embark on a new year, we extend our sincerest wishes for your continued health, happiness, and success. It's a pleasure to announce that we are back from the holidays, energized and ready for the challenges and triumphs that 2024 has in store. This year promises an array of exciting endeavors – from representing Memmert at internationa...
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Memmert GmbH + Co. KG
Memmert GmbH + Co. KGhat einen Beitrag geschrieben6. Dezember 2023
🎄✨ Memmert's Little Christmas Market is back! 🎅🏻🌟 To end the year on a high note, Memmert has prepared this special event for its employees. Our little Christmas Market takes place at our factory in Büchenbach and is a wonderful opportunity for us to get together during the lunch break, network and share the joy of the season. We indulge in mouthwatering seasonal treats, from warm roasted sausages and falafel to sweet gingerbread, cookies and apple punch. In the background plays rocky Christ...
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Memmert ist eine Marke mit einer einzigartigen Geschichte und einer aufregenden Zukunft zugleich. Rund 500 Menschen aus 30 Nationen arbeiten an diesem nationalen aber vor allem auch internationalen Erfolg mit. Werden auch Sie Teil der Memmert Family!

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Äußere Rittersbacher Straße 38 , 91126 Schwabach, Deutschland