
Determination of dry content and moisture content in vaccum

Farmacéutica Paraguaya, in short, Fapasa, is the largest exporting pharmaceutical company in Paraguay. Apart from drugs for oncological, urological and gynaecological applications, the company also produces a large range of OTC products, nutritional supplements and painkillers.

Quality assurance – an absolute must in the pharmaceutical industry

Using a Memmert vacuum oven VO, the department of quality assurance of the pharmaceutical expert determines the dry content of the gel capsules in accordance with standard 731 of the USP (United States Pharmacopoeia), and the moisture content in accordance with USP 921. With conventional drying, the moisture content of the gel capsules would fall below the necessary percentage of between 13 and 16%, which is why the drying process takes place in a vacuum drying oven.

An overview of focus topics

  • Fapasa
  • OTC products
  • gel capsules
  • quality assurance
  • standard 731
  • USP 921
  • drying process
  • moisture content
  • dry content
  • vacuum drying oven


Picture credit: Baltazar /